I tried to catch it on camera over a period of a week. Me immitating my baby’s movements. Following her around and accepting the babyfitness challenges that she gives me several times a day. Here are some short and longer moments caught on camera.
Imagine you doing this 2-4-10 times a day as an adult? Imagine you following your baby’s moves, playing, communicating, training together at the same level? What effect would that have on your body, your nervous system and on your strength? And on your relationship with your child?
Have you tried following your baby/child around lately? A few moments here and there makes a good workout and gives a lot of laughs for both mom and baby. 5, 7, 10 times a day!
She is now 12 months. And at the moment we are doing a lot of arms swings, squats, lunges, lower body twists and head stands (up and down, up and down) – too bad my arms are so much longer than my daugter’s arms that it feels like a push up to me doing head stands all the time!